Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Scentsy Scentsational Start

Ok peeps... let's talk Scentsy Scentsational Start awards.....

When I started as an Independent Scentsy Consultant I saw the different goals I could go for (Shooting Star and Scentsational Start), but I thought, "There's no way I can get either of those.... I'll just start my business and see how it goes". 

I joined Scentsy on 9/11/2018 and my first mistake was thinking that I needed to wait until I got my starter kit to really do anything.  WRONG! I set my 'Launch Party' for the first weekend in October (because that's what worked best for my schedule …. or so I thought) …. that was not my best option.  My launch party went GREAT! Over $500 in sales and two parties booked! Woot woot! It was then that I thought, "Wait... I think I can actually do this...."

I didn't try recruiting at all my first month or so... why would I.... I'm so new... how am I supposed to recruit others & mentor them?  I'm just learning this myself.... WRONG.  I should have been talking about "the opportunity" the entire time. 

I noticed that I was doing very well PRV-wise, but needed recruits to meet my goals... so I started chatting up anyone I could think of that liked Scentsy.  I ended up with two friends who loved Scentsy enough to join and become consultants... I hustled... I mean HUSTLED … and I did it.  Level three Scentsational Start!  I couldn't believe it... I did it.  Wow. 

So... what is the point of this little story?  What should your 'take-away' be?  YOU CAN DO THIS! From the start, believe in yourself.  Believe you can do this.  Look at the goals and say, "I can do this. I will do this".... because you CAN! It frustrates me to know that if I had really 'hit the ground running' I could have earned a trip.  If I had scheduled my "launch party" the day I signed up... if I started talking to everyone about 'the opportunity' right away... I could have achieved even more.  It is SO TRUE that we are our own worst enemies …. we get in our own way.

So.... I want you to know that you can do this.  You should do this. Try.  Right from the start.  Try. If you want tips, need guidance or a sounding board... reach out to me.  I've been there... I've done it... and you can too.

Tanya Milbrodt   
Independent Scentsy Consultant
@betteroffwickless on Facebook
Toncakes on Instagram
BetteroffWickless on YouTube

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