Monday, January 27, 2020

Better off Wickless Warmer of the Week: 1/27/2020

Hi guys!  This is the last #WOTW post for January and I’m finishing out the month with another warmer that’s being discontinued….  The “Friends and Family Warmer”.

Per Scentsy, “Transparent glass glows softly from a hand-wound wire frame, illuminating a message of togetherness and love.”
This warmer is a great one to gift as it appeals to so many different people and it’s a nice neutral warmer that would go well in any space.  The Friends and Family warmer does glow and uses a 40W bulb. 

If you need this warmer this is your LAST WEEK to grab it before it goes away!  Pick yours up here:


Monday, January 20, 2020

Better off Wickless Warmer of the Week: 1/20/2020

Hey everyone!  I’m back with another warmer I’d like to highlight for this week and again it’s from the discontinued list.  This week’s “Warmer of the Week” is the Amber Fluted Shade Warmer!

Per Scentsy, “Rich amber glass with a bronze interior, dappled by flecks of soft light.”
This warmer is absolutely gorgeous! If you like the look of the Enchanted Pumpkin Warmer (warmer of the month for October 2019) this is similar in the effect… it has those little flecks all over it and just radiates warmth and beauty.

This warmer will be going away after this month, so if you need it, grab it now at 10% off!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Better off Wickless Warmer of the Week: 1/13/2020

Hey guys!  Hope the new year is treating you well… just got about 7 inches of snow here so the kids & dogs are having a blast playing in it and I thought it was time to do another Warmer of the Week pick!
This is another dedicated to the warmers that are going away…  This week’s pick is the Cranberry Glass Mini Warmer!

Per Scentsy, “A festive and bold display of speckled light with a ruby glow.”  This and the Cream mini warmer are both BEAUTIFUL! The speckles that show on the warmers when they’re lit are really gorgeous and yet still subtle. 

This warmer will no longer be available as of 2/3/2020, so if you like this one or meant to pick one up as a gift for someone…. Grab it now!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Better off Wickless Warmer of the Week: 1/6/2020

Hi guys, sorry for the hiatus here…. I got soooo busy for the holidays!  But, I’m back at it and wanted to spend January dedicating my “Warmer of the Week” posts to warmers that are going away!
That’s right… with our catalog changing to the Spring/Summer starting in February, Scentsy has announced which current products are being discontinued (meaning you won’t be able to purchase them after 2/2/2020).
This week’s warmer is the “Spindle Warmer”!  I personally have this warmer in my home and LOVE it. 
Per Scentsy, “Bronzed, hand-wound wire fits like a glove over a classic lantern shape for an elegant, rustic-chic appearance.”

The Spindle Warmer is 7” tall and takes the 40 Watt Edison Bulb.  The only ‘warning’ or potential negative I have about this warmer is just that it’s SUPER bright.  I have mine placed on the side table near my spot on the couch in the Family Room and it’s like having a little lamp over there.  I enjoy that aspect, but some may not or may not expect it.  So, just be aware that it’s very bright. I do really love this warmer though.  I have this one and I also have the “Vino” warmer (both similar in style… hand-woven wire) and they’re gorgeous!

If this warmer is up your alley, be sure to grab it this month before it goes away!!